Motion Design: April Greiman

Gary Tang
3 min readApr 7, 2021


Tell a story about your designer through the use of sound, graphics, and movement.


I looked for inspiration videos to find some tricks and gimmicks to add to my toolkit. There’s some cool stuff with screentones and intentionally lowered framerate I can use.

Something to keep in mind.

One thing that I’ve noticed is that “collage” in animation most often means the use of paper texture and cutouts. Greiman’s work is strongly digital, and leans away from the tangible in favor of digital textures (bitmap, artifacting, etc.). I’m going to struggle finding inspiration that directly applies to the visual style I’m looking for.


Scene Storyboard

Preliminary Storyboard


I find myself a lot more willing to just dive in and experiment with the graphics rather than plan out things beforehand. It’s helping me stay ahead of my workload, but it’s also leaving me stumped at times. I feel as though the visual style is very hard to imagine drawn out, and that it’s easier simply to continue prototyping.

Photoshop Murals

I wanted to bring some of Greiman’s works to life by animating individual details in her posters. This entailed a lot of cutting and lasso selection to separate, and a lot of detailed brushwork/healing stamp to cover up the holes in the background. This would be the main “hero” of my video- to show Greiman herself interacting in this otherworldly space through the context of a lunar exploration.


Give more consideration to the size of type. I’m getting too used to looking through the preview viewport, but the actual video text scale is too large and uniform, giving the impression of shoutiness. Try and work in more polish and transitions so the video doesn’t feel as stilted.

Final Video

Reflection: 5/1/21

I enjoyed this project and the driving idea behind it, but felt constrained by a dwindling level of energy and time.

At this point in the semester, I’m just trying to finish things out and push a final product. Perhaps I’ll revisit this project and polish it more to my liking over the summer; but I truly am exhausted at the moment.



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